Hi Elisabeth smile

Just had to respond...

A question about the UK term "call." I'd been told that Dominoes changed their slogan, "One call does it all," when advertising in the UK, because call in the UK referred to a ... ahem... visit from a prostitute. True? Or is somebody yanking my chain?
ROFLMAO!!! razz Give me good old pear crumble or cherry pie any day! goofy

Oh, yeah, and the whole "pot" thing, is, I think, pretty different here in the US versus in the UK. You guys call any little tub a pot, right?
Hmmm... yes, 'pot' is a multi-purpose word, I think. smile Plant-pot, yoghurt-pot, pot noodle, cooking pot (though there we usually use 'saucepan'), marijuana... goofy The one thing we 'don't talk about is 'pot pie' - I remember asking in bemusement what a 'chicken pot pie' was (is it a pie made in a saucepan? confused ) and realised that it was just an ordinary chicken pie. Weird! wink

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*