I am coming back here to respond to my esteemed beta reader wink .

‘Pop’ is a noise or the action of breaking something. Also short for grand pop! ‘Soda’ is carbonated water. Here drinks are usually called by their brand name – Coke, Fanta, Pepsi etc. A carbonated non-alcoholic drink is called a soft drink.
razz At the concession stand we would say "What kind of drink do you want?" The customer would say, "Pop". Then we'd say, "What kind?" Then they would say the specific kind like Coke/Sprite/Diet. We don't say Grandpop -- we say Grandpa -- oh, and we don't say "mum", we say "mom".

When students complete their last year of High School here (Year 12), if they want to continue studying they go to uni not college.
We'd say "twelfth grade" rather than "year twelve", and we'd say "college" rather than "uni".

When my roommate came back from studying in Australia (she was at UNSW), she got into the habit of saying "Let's go to Uni" and it drove the rest of us crazy! We would say "Let's go to class," and she was using the word Uni to describe anything and everything associated with the university. I still think she was making fun of us because we all didn't get to go on Study Abroad and she did wink . She'd also would say "take away food" rather than "take out" food. And she also started saying, "Do you want to go straight aways" instead of "Do you want to go now?" And don't get me started on the fake Australian accent she started using to irritate us wink .

- Laura (who would love to visit Australia some day!)

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve