Couple of random bits to throw into the mix:

'homo milk', to my ears, sounds positively kinky. wink

Paul used 'upscale' - the UK equivalent would be 'up market'.

I heard they are getting rid of the double deckers in London. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Discussion please!
You may be right. We appear to be getting lots more 'bendy buses', which are single-decker buses that are twice as long as normal buses but are articulated in the middle. The joke is that these new-fangled bendy buses had to be withdrawn from service for a while because they kept catching fire. Could it be that we're rapidly losing those tedious, old-fashioned skills that no-one's interested in any more - like how to make a vehicle that doesn't kill its passengers? wink

Oh, and on a tangent - can you believe that my hairdresser didn't know where Canada is? "It's somewhere in America, isn't it?" she said. I asked carefully what she meant by America, just in case she meant the continent, rather than the country. Nope, she meant the country. So can I take this opportunity to apologise to Canadians for the English educational system, which seems to have omitted Canada from its geography lessons? wink

(Mind you, the EU forgot to include Wales in a recent map of the UK, so the English aren't the the only ones with geographically-challenged citizens...)
