LOL Labby! Have we Americanized you? goofy

I've seen different words in books, like headmaster/headmistress vs principal, lippy vs lipstick (maybe that's just slang), and broomstick vs broom.

Canadian English has parts in it from the UK and other parts from the US, which is why I am never sure what exactly to say about it in UK vs US discussions. Let's just say it's Canadian. <g>

Our spelling, from what I've seen, is all UK. favourite, flavour, colour, honour, metre, centre, theatre. I've never noticed there was a difference in "travelling," but I think the double-L seems more Canadian to me.

I've seen 'pissed' and 'pissed off' used here, and like Paul said, pissed is just a lazy way to say 'pissed off.' I don't, however, find it more emphasizing. I use either all the time.

As for 'quite good,' it has the American meaning to my ears. Rather, though, like Lynn said, has that surprised tone I wouldn't find too complimenting.

Momentarily only means "in a moment" to me. I've never actually even thought about it too much. confused

About present and gift: Although I am aware of the synonymous meaning, I use present more often. I'd say "Christmas presents" and "birthday presents" as opposed to gifts, and probably in any other context. I would probably use gift only as in talent. "You can draw so well, you have such a gift!" or "You are so gifted!"

We use line and not queue. I use "dreamed" and "learned," but I remember a friend of mine correcting me once and saying I should use "dreamt." I didn't stay and argue because he's one of those people with whom the smallest arguements can last an hour and escalate to idiotic proportions, but I haven't noticed anyone else use those. All my friends use "learned" and "dreamed."

And we say "pop," never soda. Soda here is just gassed water. Soda pop, maaaybe..... but generally just pop.

This is the "Canadian English" part of the thread. wink

Julie smile

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)