Can't seem to keep away from this thread. <g>

I was taught that they mean different things, but I find I used them interchangeably.
Okay, SuperRoo, you've piqued my interest. How does 'gift' differ from 'present' (excluding the use of 'gift' in the sense that someone has a talent)?

Paul, I don't personally use 'call' in the sense of visiting someone. I might 'drop by' my friend's house on my way home, or I'll 'go round to' my sister's for tea.

in the UK a public school is a step above a private school in caliber, isn't it?
Toc, they mean the same thing: a school which isn't funded by the state. Mind you, I suppose it's perhaps only the older private schools like Eton and Rugby which are also referred to as public schools. We'd have never called our local private schools in Aberdeen public schools.

[quote]In the UK, you can have a drug store[quote]
All such shops, whether or not they have a pharmacy inside, are generally called chemists in the UK. No idea why. <g> Edit: Just remembered - if you want to fill a prescription in the UK, you'd look for the nearest 'dispensing chemist' and once inside, you'd head for the 'dispensary'. Who knows - this might actually be useful information, if you ever fall ill whilst holidaying in the UK. <g>
