It is Ok to call someone from Scotland "Scottish" or "from the UK" but definitely wrong to call someone from Scotland "English". (A little side note here: my mother-in-law, who has Scottish ancestors, calls people from Scotland "scotch" and it nearly makes me purple from frustration. I have to bite my tongue to keep from screaming at her "scotch is a drink, not a person!!")
Calling a Scot English or Scotch (that's a drink, dammit, not a nationality! <G>) are two guaranteed ways to have them coming at you fast with a claymore. goofy

On the L thing. Actually, catching up on the overnight posts, I'll admit I was a little disappointed to see this issue being discussed here as it's a massive spoiler for my story. frown

Oh, well, at the end of the day, it's only a story and no one did it on purpose, mistakes happen, so...never mind. smile

Anyway, may as well answer it now <G>:

No, that's the way it's written in the UK. No +. But thanks for that little snippet of info. I've never heard of using a + until it was mentioned here. smile

Reading on further - okay Wendy surprised me by her reply, I have to say. <G> But all of you got me confused as I thought I'd mentioned in the story it was a heart. goofy So I had to go back and check and realised where you might have been confused. A heart with the legend XX L YY inside it is so familiar to me, that it never occurred to me it wasn't something extremely common to anyone else. If you want a visual image, go to the part seven fdk folder where Lynn very helpfully provided one. Thanks, Lynn! <G>

With Wendy having entirely the wrong idea, I'm now beginning to wonder if XX L YY (XX loves YY) is something more Scottish than generally UK. And now I'm intrigued. Any other non-Scottish UKers who used to chalk this configuration on pavements and walls when they were kids? <G> And if you didn't use L, what did you use? That American +?

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers