Just caught up on the thread, there are so many things I want to comment on I had to write it down not to forget. <g>

Before starting on the whole tea/milk/whatever thing, I want to mention that I had a Russian/Ukranian upbringing - not English or American or Canadian.

My mom always made loose tea. She used teabags for a while when we came to Canada, but soon came back to loose. She uses pure ceylon tea and used to mix it with green tea - she stopped now, and I'm glad she did. <g> I like my ceylon tea with no milk, and no other kind of tea.

I am what my friends call a milkaholic (one even called me a Dairy Queen :rolleyes: ), but I don't like milk in my tea. I wasn't brought up to have it with milk, and my mom and grandmother always made my tea black with sugar (that's not what stops me from liking it - I just don't). I can't stand tea without sugar. My mother always says I put way too much sugar in - 2, sometimes 3 tea spoons to a teacup! I realize that it is a lot, and bad for me, but otherwise I don't like it very much. My cousin once tried it and went, "You got enough sugar in there to kill a horse." goofy I was surprised, and I think it was then that I realized I was the freak in the family. <g>

I love hot tea, but I can't stand iced. Weird, but... <shrug>
Oddly, I love hot tea, but I don't really like ice tea.
I don't think it's odd at all - I completely share this opinion. I don't drink tea if it's boiling hot - I put in half a cup of boiling water and then add some cool boiled water - But I like it to be fairly hot. Nestea seems to be popular among my classmates, but I tried it once and couldn't even bring myself to finish that can. I thought it was really bad.

Tea, as I was taught, is good for eye infections. I had a pretty nasty one this summer, and my mom made me wash my eyes out with tea every night (cold tea <g>). Not sure if it helped, though, because besides that I also had eye drops. <g>

For sore throats I always had tea with lemon, and sometimes honey, but always in addition to sugar. Also, chewing on a piece of lemon with honey is good (and kind of tasty smile ).

As for coffee, I only have it on mornings when I am having trouble waking up, and even then I make it only caffeined enough to wake me up. I don't like the taste or smell particularly. I put in about half a tea spoon of instant coffee, 2 or 3 teaspoons of sugar, some boiling water, and lots of milk. Sometimes I put in a little bit of ice cream. smile

When I go to Tim Horton's, I don't order coffee, but always hot chocolate. I even order that in McDonalds sometimes. Milk chocolate and hot chocolate are my addictions since I can remember myself.

About the jam/jelly - I always considered jelly to be that thing they call Jell-O. Jell-O is not the correct name, but only the brand name of it which stuck - the technical name is jelly. Jam is what you put on toast or bread and sometimes have with peanut butter (though I never tried that combination and don't intend to).

As for fries, my friends always have them with ketchup, but I like them plain and hot. Chips are the ones that come in bags. <g> I never tried poutine, though they have it in my school's cafeteria. Sounds quite (in the US sense of the word <g>) good!

As for the binders, we call them three ring binders. Or just binders. And folders are the ones with no rings, just pockets on both sides to hold loose paper.

About bathrooms - when I lived in Israel, we had a shower, a tub, and a sink in the bathroom, and the toilet separately. I never used the shower, though - it was always just there, but we always showered in the tub. /me hopes that makes remote sense. It was really only in Canada that I realized toilets come with the bathroom. And here we have a tub, a sink, and a toilet - no shower. Not that I need it. <g> Wendy brought up another thing - a bath is where you sit for hours and soak with a good book. Just how exactly do you do that? I find that if I try to take a book in there with me it'll end up extremely wet.

As for the 711's, we've got plenty of 'em here. I like to tease my friend and say she lives in a 711, because that's her apartment number. <g>

Julie (who thinks this was more than a measely 2 cents wink )

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)