I am really enjoying this thread.
But don't worry Wendy, here in Canada we're betwixt and between when it comes to these issues. If you say something's brilliant, everyone will know that you mean that it's terrific, or cool. And my mom always says she's chuffed about things when she's really pleased (she's from out west). And no one (well almost no one ) thinks she's talking strangely.

I have to confess most of the examples you guys have been listing as British sound more natural to my ear, though there are exceptions. And we tend to use UK spellings most of the time, though that is dying out.

A friend of mine had a funny experience in Britain this summer when he asked where he could buy candles cheaply. His colleague suggested a pound stretcher. ( Here we call them Dollar Stores). You can imagine the conversation.
Where ?
At the Pound Stretcher.
Pardon ?
the Pound Stretcher.
Huh ?
