Not to dis anyone at all for being geographically challenged, but it does always amaze me when I meet someone who can't read a map. And I mean, has no idea which way is North. Perhaps because we traveled so much when I was a child but I can get us pretty much anywhere as long as I have a good map. I love maps. Nothing more fun to look at than a brand new Rand McNally!

I'm always very saddened by the US educational system when it comes to geography. If a child is lucky, they will leave school knowing all fifty states, the continents, and the larger nations of the world. When I was in school (back in the dark ages) we had to memorize all of the countries of each continent. I've met Americans who have no idea where Ohio or Indiana is - they imagine that the US starts with New York on the east coast, skips a few dozen states and all of the sudden you are in California on the west coast. For crying out loud, it's their own country! confused

Just a pause to say WOW! Is this some kind of board record - the number of posts in one thread? This is so amazing!! smile


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah