Then the milk has to go into the cup first. Seriously, you can taste the difference when the milk has been scalded by being added to the tea instead of the other way round.
My husband goes bonkers (in his own way) if milk does not go in first. K. This guy is 6'2", has a biker jacket and has an evil look on his face most of the time and he likes his tea. He loves Prince of Wales and English Breakfast tea. He hates Earl Grey. He says it tastes like flowers. I dislike tea, but love ice-tea. I hate coffee too, but I'm learning to like it. But so far I just like 'candy' coffee - Starbucks mocha. Can we say Big Mac in a cup! Actually a Big Mac is better for you than most of those candy coffees so I try to get mine without the cream on top and get skim milk. It knocks it down a bit. I investigated. I can so picture Lois being picky in a specialty coffee shop OR she'd come in and get the basic over and over again.

I'm sorry, but the site makes me giggle when he has his tea set on Sunday mornings.

Anyone here familiar with potatoes au gratin?
That stuff rocks.

I often thought of a skit w/ Lois and Clark over a cup of tea or coffee. Those two always had wine and I don't know why but those scenes irritated me.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.