Hate clotted cream! I do like whipped cream, however. Not the stuff out of cans - yuck! - but fresh cream, whipped.
goofy , but I like couscous much better!
The current ad campaign for Pot Noodles actually captitalises on this reputation, showing people being ashamed of the fact that they can't resist eating them.
Now, see, there's an example of a really good advertising agency! Take that negative publicity and turn it to your advantage, after all! goofy
Then again, I'm sure North Americans drink their water straight from the tap.
Yep, most of the time-- although lots of people have those water cooler machine thingies that use those big jugs of water upended into the top, and that keep the water nice and cold-- and lots more just buy their drinking water by the case.

Oh, yeah, and the whole "pot" thing, is, I think, pretty different here in the US versus in the UK. You guys call any little tub a pot, right? When I hear the word "pot" I think of those big metal pots ("saucepans") you cook stuff in on the stove-- little ones for soup and couscous, big ones for noodles and green beans (etc). (Hence my thinking pot noodles might be dumpllings!) Our paints come in paint jars, our makeup comes in tubs or jars or bottles or containers, and our microwave individual meals come in little plastic containers (or we might say something like, "when you finish that mac and cheese, put the package in the recycling bin").


TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler