Perry: Has any of you seen my glasses?
Lois: You're kidding, right?
Perry: No, honestly. I had them in my hand one minute, and the next they were gone.
Jimmy: Well ah, Chief, you may want to look down.
Perry: *looks down* Well, would you look at that! Now... has anyone seen my watch?
Lois: Maybe all these late nights are finally getting to you?
Clark: Oh boy...

Mmm cheese.

I vid, therefor I am.

The hardest lesson is that love can be so fair to some, and so cruel to others. Even those who would be gods.

Anne Shirley: I'm glad you spell your name with a "K." Katherine with a "K" is so much more alluring than Catherine with a "C." A "C" always looks so smug.
Me: *cries*