Lois: Oh my tummy, I should have listened to you Clark and not have substituted chocolate sauce in place of the beshamel for tonights lasagne

Clark: Well Honey, I won't say 'I told you so' but...

Lois: Can it Clark I'm not in the mood

Caption No. 2

Lois: I should have known better than to accompany Lucy on a 'Death By Chocolate' evening. One lesson learned: 'Do not under any circumstance mix chocolate and pizza together.'

Clark: Funny you mentioned that Honey, see here in this weeks issue of Metropolitan Cooking they have a recipe for chocolate pizza.

Lois: Oh god I'm gonna need some Alka Seltzer (and she bolts to the medicine cabinet)

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller