Ack! You mean I've had Macarena stuck in my head for the last 3 days for NOTHING?!
What? So I'm supposed to reward you for putting it in my head? :p

(Seriously, it was a good caption. Like I said, tough call...)

Moving on...


Lois: Spying on the Ms. America pageant contestants' hotel rooms? Is this really news, Clark?

Clark: Uhm... It could be. You... uh... never know when a dirty politician might show up. Or when one of the girls will try to rig the contest. It may come to nothing, but I think it's deserving of close attention. Very close attention. You... uh... never know what you... might... uhm... *gulp* ... miss seeing...

Lois: Hey, you're right! I think I see a peeping tom!

Clark: What? Well, see? That's news. Someone spying on them? That could really be a story. Who is it? Where is...?

Lois: *glare*

Clark: Oh.


Lois: Clark, you've got the curtains closed. How are we supposed to see anything? How are we going to get any pictures? And what are you looking at?

Clark, thinking: Oh, crap. Was I using X-ray vision? It's so easy to look right through that I forget everyone else can't.

Clark, out loud: Yeah, uh... I was just trying to... calibrate the white balance on the camera. That's it. And... can you believe how dusty these drapes are? We really should complain to the front desk...

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.