Just a note--whoever posted their baddie captions earlier needs to repost.


"So you can see that the weight of the skull acts as a natural pendulum, aligning the atlas bone and the axis bone until the entire spine is aligned.... Hello? Hel-lo-oh! Darn! He passed out, too."


"Hold me a little lower, Supes. I can almost reach where I dropped my car keys."


"It was just a mistake! I swear it! I heard him wrong--that's all. You know how that Data guy slurs his speech when he gets tired. Anyway, I thought we were SUPPOSED to write a cross-dressing fic. Cross-dressing, crossover--the words were so much alike. But I promise it'll never happen again."


"And if I ever catch you miming without a street vendor license again, I'll do more than just put you in an invisible box."


"Wow! I can see my house from here."

who was doubly inspired since the guy hanging upsidedown looks so much like my kid brother