Ann, believe the WMD's or not but the report comes straight out of the Iraq Survey Group's report regardless of whether Fox News or CNN reports it or not. Or do you not believe the ISG report? That is the original source of the report on 500 WMD's found. Fact is fact, regardless of the reporting. My original point anyway is that the news media cannot be relied upon for any facts. The New York Times definitely cannot be relied upon for facts or truth. You even admit that yourself.

I also emphasize the ISG report said that Saddam was poised to resume full production just as soon as they could get bribed France and Russia to kill the UN sanctions, which according to that UK Telegraph article I mentioned earlier said was nearly about to happen. There was a reason for that oil-for-food program scandal that reached all the way up to Kofi Annan's son. The UN was about to capitulate. So even if there were only 500 found now, many more were on the way. Even Democrats will admit that, though they won't advertise it.

BTW, many conservative talk show hosts (I mean real conservatives, not the left of Democrats conservatives in Sweden) in America were touting the report of WMD's, especially Rush Limbaugh. If you didn't hear it when it was news about 18 months ago, then there's not much I can do about it.

Even if some people believe it was a waste, there have been many benefits of the American invasion. Lebanon and the Palestinians saw the example of democracy and took it themselves. Freedom was starting its sweep through the Middle East and even in the Russian republics that remained in bondage. Remember the Orange, Rose, and Cedar Revolutions? Even Walid Jumblat of the Druze in Lebanon directly attributed the American invasion as the reason for the Cedar Revolution. Jumblat is no friend of America.

It was only when Democrats kept insisting we had lost the war and the mainstream media started to parrot that line that the democratic movements stopped in their tracks. Even now while we're winning, having swept al Qaeda out of Anbar and other provinces and Sunni groups turning against al Qaeda and allying with America, Democrats still say we're losing and want to get out now, throwing away all the lives that have already been lost. I find it odd that people continue to object to a war where the main opponent is al Qaeda, regardless of the venue. Would they rather al Qaeda come to our shores to fight them or would they rather have us kill them by the thousands there? The left's logic completely escapes me here. We've got the perfect killing fields to kill al Qaeda and people would rather we leave? Huh? What better position can we be in to destroy al Qaeda as they desperately are trying to prevent the spread of democracy, knowing it is their death knell if it takes hold. If Iraq is really a diversion from the War on Terror as so many on the left insist, then why is al Qaeda fighting so hard and committing so many resources to stopping us? If it were a diversion, they'd leave Iraq to us and move ahead with plans to attack America and her allies instead. So why is it al Qaeda understands what our own left does not?

When we do finally destroy al Qaeda (isn't that the whole point of this war anyway? Does anybody actually object to our destroying al Qaeda even if it happens to be in Iraq?), the advance of democracy will resume and the threat of terrorism will subside greatly. That was the whole point of the War on Terror. Destroy the supporters of terrorism and foster an environment where the breeding grounds of terrorism dry up. Rather, the left would rather play defense, leaving al Qaeda to continue recruiting and plotting without hindrance and letting them strike before we do anything in return. Now that kind of mindset will only get us all killed.

BTW, I have not watched Fox News in about eight months, nor any other televised news so I haven't got a clue what they're saying now. I basically watch maybe two or three TV shows a week and that's it. I don't really have the time for it.

Paul Krugman is a die-hard liberal. I would be surprised if he said otherwise about a Republican. Keep in mind I am not a big McCain fan either, but he's a lot better than Obama or Clinton. Nobody else stands a snowball's chance of winning but those three.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin