I haven't had a chance to check the papers since early this morning, so it sounds like there's been a lot of coverage of the Wright thing since then. I was dismayed by the shoddy journalism involved in the coverage of the Ferarro business, and it sounds like I'll find the same thing in this case, too, based on Alcyone's comment. (btw, this was true in the Canadian papers as well) This weekend and this morning, however, most media were giving it a pass, although some did include Obama's press release on the issue.

Paul wrote:
But, like I said... I don't think it's entirely fair to hold them accountable for what their supporters say.
I agree, but imo when those individuals are part of your official campaign team, as Wright was, it's a different matter.

We all have personal confidants who disagree with us, and our lives are richer for that. (for example, my husband and I are more likely to vote differently than not ). But this is different. Obama has said that Wright was his mentor and spiritual advisor, so that makes the relationship a lot more significant - Wright was substantially more than just a supporter, even a very public one like Ben Affleck.

Btw, i do think that Obama will win the Dem nom.
