The only reason there are some people who believe he "lied" is because of Democrats trying to cover their rear ends with their virulently anti-war constituents. It's impossible for them to be at fault for their votes on Iraq because obviously somebody had to have lied to them. And you know the press in the US. Whatever a Democrat says is axiomatic. Whatever a Republican says is looked at with suspicion or just plain ignored.
I have to take exception with pretty much every word of that.

You don't know what went on behind closed doors any more than I do.

Yes, I believe he lied. I believe he and his administration deliberately perpetuated falsehoods, using rumors and implications and cherry-picked reports. An adviser comes in, says the intelligence doesn't support the WMD claims. He's badgered about it throughout the meeting until finally he says, "What do you want me to say? It's a slam dunk? Fine." And what happens the next day? They spread the news across the country that their adviser says it's "a slam dunk." I only have his word for it, but I'm inclined to believe him. Now, is that technically a lie? He did say those words. But it completely misrepresents his position.

I'm sure I could come up with better examples.

The point is that you choose not to believe that. But you can't prove that Bush hasn't lied. You weren't there. You haven't read every report. I hear about reports which contradict what you're saying. But I don't remember the specifics well enough to quote them back to you. So you choose to believe that Bush is telling the truth and the people who claim otherwise are the liars. But you can't prove it.

No, I can't prove that he lied. If I were better informed, if I had a better, more reliable memory, maybe I could. It's what I believe, based on what I've heard and seen. I believe there's been gross mismanagement, huge coverups, unbelievable attacks on civil liberties and the very foundations of this country's government... But you, on the other side of the political situation, don't. So you pick which things to believe in to support your views and I pick mine. And with the flood of information and non-information available, there's plenty to support both sides. And we get nowhere.

As for the media... Maybe there's a liberal bias, maybe there isn't. As a liberal, I'm biased, so it's hard to tell. As a conservative, you're biased, too. I've certainly heard enough reports about conservatives trying to claim that reporting objective facts was biased. (When the truth is biased against you, you know there's something wrong.) But you're just going to come back and say that the problem is which facts they reported and which ones they didn't. (For the record, IIRC, The Daily Show did cover the WMD discovery... and Fox's ever so "fair and balanced" slant on things.)

But a blanket statement that the media says Dems are always right and Reps are always suspect? I expected better of you, Roger.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.