
Don't you believe that the government can use its tax revenue wisely at all? Don't you think it can do better with that money than just give it back to the rich?
Not so much, no. For instance, not long ago, here in San Diego County, there was a tax hike put in to pay for repairs to the roads, which are in a horrid state. Did the roads get fixed? No. The roads are still in a horrible condition. What happened was the money went in to a general fund and was siphoned off for other projects, most of which do not benefit a majority of the people in the county.

And remember Hurricane Katrina and how the dikes failed and New Orleans flooded? Those were supposed to have been maintained and upgraded and the local government didn't because they were so corrupt and used the money for other things.

So, no. I don't trust our government to spend my hard earned money.


Rose: You're NOT keeping the horse!
Doctor Who: I let you keep Mickey, now lets go!
Doctor Who, The Girl in the Fireplace