No. She said something which wasn't clear and which could be read that way, but then, when asked, specifically stated that she hadn't intended it as such. There's a difference, Carol. The statement was poorly phrased, but it doesn't mean the intent was there.

It was a mistake. It happens. A few posts back, I made a mistake in not quoting the text I was replying to. And then you made a mistake by not seeing the text I was replying to and assuming that I was making false and hyperbolic accusations. And then Alcyone made a mistake using vague wording which could be interpreted to imply things she didn't mean. We're only human. Mistakes and misunderstandings happen.

I'm sorry you were offended, but if she said she didn't mean it that way, I think we should accept that and move on.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.