Mr. Obama's personal financial relationship with Tony Rezko.
Correct me if I'm wrong (and I want to know, if I am since it affects how I feel generally about candidates) but didnt't he give back the money? .

More discussion on that and the media circus related to that here here .

Frankly the media frenzy is driving me up the wall. I have been increasingly alienated from the Hillary camp by stuff like that that obnoxious Gloria Steinem article on the Times that basically said that if you're a woman you should ally with Clinton and then played "who's oppressed the most."


Not my feminism, thankyouverymuch

PS I'm greatly enjoying the back and forth (and actually whenever you disclaim Paul, I'm like NOOOOO, please keep talking laugh ).

All joking aside, even if I tend not to agree with conservatives, I do like knowing what other people think and why on a one to one basis. So thanks, Roger.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan