I think that many people all over the world are eager for a new American President. I think that whoever the new President is, he or she will be welcomed by the world. For all of that, I think that the new President will have a tough job giving America back the international respect that it used to get from people everywhere.
All people everywhere? I'm sorry, but I don't remember that time. Sounds like I'm about ten years younger than you, but that still leaves me with about 25-30 years of political memories, and I really don't remember a time when "people everywhere" admired and respected America. And when there is a choice to be made between American interest and international goodwill, I really prefer a president who acts in America's interests. That is, after all, his (or her) job.

Oh, and to go back to an earlier point -- someone mentioned that the idea of W being the son of a former president didn't get nearly as much skepticism as the idea of Hilary being the wife of a former president. I think the order of events has a lot to do with it.

We've had father-son presidents before (cousins, too). Not frequently, but it's happened. A long time ago. Then too, W worked hard to distinguish himself from daddy, and he'd had executive experience of his own as the governor of Texas. GHWB was seen as a northeasterner, whereas W managed to come across as a southerner, which played better in the Republican party. All this put together blunted any appearance of nepotism or duplication.

Eight years later, along comes Hilary. She hasn't got direct executive experience. From what I've seen, she's not coming across as very distinct from Bill, and she's not distancing herself from him. (Personally, I can't understand why she hasn't divorced him, but that's neither here nor there). And I think people looked at the Bush-Clinton-Bush years and got a little more uncomfortable with the political dynasty idea. (There was speculation that Jeb Bush might run for President someday, making these the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton-Bush years. And how old might Chelsea be by then? smile It could definitely get ridiculous.)

But that's just my theory. Might have zip-squat to do with reality laugh

who should probably apologize for previous snarkiness -- it's not a good excuse, but all four of us in this house are sick, and three of them are counting on me to do everything for them, so I get a little ragged around the edges.

p.s., Ann, I feel for your grandfather. God does heal people -- I know some of them -- but He doesn't always, and that can be really hard to understand and live with. Been there, cried about that.

"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K