Originally posted by TOC:
William Henry Harrison [#10] and Benjamin Harrison [#23] - grandfather/grandson
I've never heard of either of them... I guess they weren't much good?
WHH holds the record as the shortest lived presidency with something around 30 days. He died of pneumonia after one of the longest inaugural addresses in history on a cold, wet day without an overcoat [speech was in the neighborhood of 2 hours long - over 8000 words]. However, it was over 3 weeks before he actually took sick - as we all know the best cure for the common cold is rest, which had very little of because of the busy presidential schedule. It turned to pneumonia and he died.

His grandson, Benjamin, defeated Grover Cleveland, who defeated him 4 years later.

My point with the Roosevelts was simply that they were related. TR was still extremely popular when FDR was elected and probably played something of a role in his election [though at that point, a Daffy Duck probably could have run against Hoover and won]. The fact that Eleanor was TR's favorite niece didn't hurt either.

There are 4 sets of related presidents - Adams, Harrison, Roosevelt and Bush. [There are two Johnsons, but no relation.]

Something I find interesting... many - and probably most - Americans had no idea that FDR was in a wheelchair. I believe there is only one surviving picture of him seated in it.

[Linked Image]

Without fail, the media waited until he was already standing [which he could do with the help of braces or other support] or seated in another chair before taking pictures.
