To nobody's surprise, I would vote Democratic. I chose Obama, but that was not an easy choice. I think Hillary is better when it comes to health care and when it comes to spreading the amazing American wealth a bit more evenly among its citizens, which, I think, would probably do more than anything else to avert the looming recession. Also, a somewhat greater economic equality would probably strengthen the, well, "cohesiveness" of the United States and just generally make the country stronger. Additionally, such an increasing economic equality would probably do a lot to improve other nations' perception of America and make America once again look like a great inspiration to the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, I think Hillary creates an incredible amount of ill will among her opponents. I think she generates a lot more resentment than enthusiasm among Americans. While the fact that George W. Bush is his father's son was brought up hardly at all during the campaigns of 2000 and 2004, Hillary's close association with Bill seems to be regarded as a very big problem.

All in all, Hillary seems to generate so much resentment that I fear that she would be unelectable, and if indeed she was elected it could be that those who dislike her would concentrate all their efforts into stopping Hillary from getting almost anything accomplished at all. I'm afraid that she could become a "lame duck" from the day she was sworn in as a President.

Obama, on the other hand, is not only an unspoilt force in politics, but he is so very inspiring and charming, too. It will be hard for his opponents to join forces against him without looking bad themselves for doing so. Compared with Hillary, he is eminently electable.

Also, chances are that Obama's charm will not only win the Americans over, but it should reach and touch people in other countries, too. While I think that Hillary's politics could probably do more than Obama's to make the United States look good in the eyes of the world again, I'm convinced that Obama himself can do more than Clinton to make America admired among foreigners again.
