become absolutely incensed to think someone in the government should have any say in how MY money is spent. I worked for the $29,000 I made last year.
I agree with Teej on that issue. One of the great things about America is that it is a Capitalist nation. We can work hard and be rewarded for our hard work accordingly. I'm not against every social program but I see too many of them being taken advantage of by lazy people who basically just don't want to work hard for anything. There are definitely people who really need the programs but I don't want my hard earned money going to the ones who don't deserve it. I think the social programs in the US need to be reevaluated and modified, not abolished. In the mean time, I'll work for my money, spend it how I want, and give to charities that I feel led to give to.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw