Side note, as a language-lover it's distressing to me to see the way "lying" has been re-defined since 2003. There is such a thing as a sincere, well-intentioned statement that you *later* find out is untrue. That is not the same thing as lying, which means you're knowingly speaking an untruth with the intent to deceive.
Agreed. And it's the latter that I'm claiming. Intelligence reports said there were no WMDs. Except the ones that cherry-picked facts, relied on untrustworthy sources, took stuff out of context... He pressured people into saying it was a "slam dunk" even when they knew better. There was no reason to go to Iraq except that Bush wanted to. He implied a connection to 9/11 that wasn't there and claimed he had surefire evidence of WMDs. And if he didn't know better (and I think he did), it's because he chose not to hear it from people who did. That's lying.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.