But if you had earned $290,000 it would have been another matter. Or if you had earned $2,900,000... or $29,000,000... or $290,000,000....
The amount I earn has nothing to do with sharing out the hard work I put into it or why I should share with someone who doesn't. Sorry, but I'm not convinced and think even more so that given the US has become the most progressive and advanced country in the free world due to capitialism in only 200+ years just goes to show that capitalism works logically best. It's only breaking down recently because of the socialist regime of the liberals infiltrating our government and it's going to get worse. I will be glad to be dead (or Raptured) before the disease of socialism has completely infected my country.

Here is a link that explains why it's wrong to make people who make more money pay more taxes.

Honestly, we all know a 10% sales tax across the country is all we need to pay for roads and military, which is all the government should ever be responsible for.

Per Thomas Jefferson, when a government gets big enough to DO everything for you, it's big enough to TAKE everything from you.

razz razz razz razz razz razz razz


Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!