It wasn't the sex that lost him his law license. It was that little matter of perjury. You don't mind if a president lies under oath?
I can't speak for Ann but here is what I think: If he lied about something major that would change our country then of course I would mind. I would be furious! But like I said before I don't get why lying about who you slept with or not is such a big deal. A president is also a man and any man in that same circumstance would have lied or do you think there are many ordinary American men who would go on TV and admit to the world that he had had sex with a woman other than his wife? confused Throw the first stone who think under the same circumstance any man would be honest laugh

I guess it's just different here where people think that to be a good president your past has to be clean (God forbid if you used marijuana in college! Or if you cheated on your wife laugh ). IMHO a good president is the one that has good plans for this country and after elected I see how many of his/her electoral promisses were kept and done. I could care less about his/her personal past or if they are in the same religion that I am. I do care about their political past, though but not their personal lives. His wife should be the only one worrying about what he does with other women laugh


"It's not the years that count, it's the moments, right now as they happen." (Clark Kent to Lois Lane - Brutal Youth - S4)