the silly rumor that he was Muslim was panic-inducing
And isn't that such a sad indictment? Yes, a few members of the Muslim faith are extremists. Just like, in Ireland, a few Catholics, a few Protestants at one time were involved in terrorism.

And yet a whole religion and culture gets tarred with the same brush in certain circles? Isn't that so very, very sad and depressing?

I meet many Muslims in the course of my job. Many of them are among the most peace-loving, gentle and ethical people you could ever meet. One of them opens up his home to members of all faiths, and is well-known in the community for strenuous efforts to promote understanding between Muslims, Jews, Christians and many more. He does it, not through preaching, but through warmth and friendship and love of dialogue and peaceable existence.

And so if Barack Obama really had been a Muslim he would never have come even close to being elected - purely on the basis of a stereotype and not from any examination of his credentials. That's every bit as bad as saying that Hillary shouldn't be president because she's a woman - worse, probably, because of the reason: that Muslims are considered the enemy frown


Just a fly-by! *waves*