What, specifically, do you think is being alleged, Carol?

She's said that she doesn't feel she's being properly understood. It's a claim that's perhaps supported by the fact that I don't, myself, entirely understand what she means by "the modes that people use to talk about race."

It's better to make sure that we understand what she did mean before making accusations against her.

Or, as she said, perhaps it's better to drop it and move on. As you may have seen, I've had recent experience in another thread where fundamentally different interpretations of the same words led to cascading misunderstandings. Accusations (apparantly) being read by both parties where none were (apparantly) intended... It gets messy. And once you take offense, there can be a tendency to continue to get into that mindset... to read things that way even when the author meant no such thing.

Alcyone, if you could clarify your statement, that would be great. Give it another try, and we'll see where it gets us.

Otherwise... maybe it's better just to leave it be. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Chalk it up to a misunderstanding and move on.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.