Ah, that finicky median family income, which by the way is up. Median family income was right around $50,000 in 2000. It is now around $58,000 and it's gone up each of the last 7 years.

You make a false assumption about revenue. Revenue dipped in 2001 due to the near recession but came back strongly as the tax cuts kicked in (usually a 6-12 month lag between tax cut enactment and effects as people adjust their behavior) and accelerated even faster after another tax cut in 2003 with 2004 being a banner year for tax receipts as the economy grew over 4%. I'd like to see a European nation reach 4% growth annually.

You're dead on about spending, though, and this president has been no better than any other at controlling it. Freezing spending to the rate of inflation for just one year would come close to eliminating the deficit, which at its high was $414 billion and was $162 billion last year. The fear is that tax receipts will start to fall again with a possible recession looming and no tax cut in 4 years. It's time for another real tax cut to jump start this economy. Even a Keynesian would agree with me.

BTW, the president has no say over "printing" money. Increasing the money supply is completely in the hands of the Federal Reserve.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin