I could buy Lois being a little high-handed given the stress of the new job and the desire to appear fair to the staff. Clark was another matter. Clark was always portrayed as someone who admired and respected his partner. He supported her totally. That Clark would have been thrilled at her promotion and done everything he coudl to ease the transition. If he felt she was getting carried away, he'd have talked to her, not ripped her door off the hinges. I just don't buy STP Clark is the same man who said "I'm attached to Lois Lane. I'm not asking for any changes, am I?"
Well, I’m just now coming back to this thread, but yeah, this was somewhat out of character for Clark. But it was also very realistic because we all ‘fly off the handle’ sometimes and do things that are totally out of character and that surprises those around us.

As someone whose "other job" constantly required he skip out without notice, he got upset with her for having to do the same due to her job. He acted jealous (which he had no right to be) and boorish.
We don’t like to see our own faults (or problems) in others. I’d say that’s why Clark flipped out over it.

And like Darcy said, Clark was still dealing with insecurities.

I rather thought that they both did not act their best in that episode. I think Darcy said it well:

I don't think the episode really did show the "typical" male attitude toward the situation. I think Clark was genuinely happy for Lois, even though he might not have realized just how MUCH went into being the EIC for a major metropolitan newspaper. Both he and Lois had valid points, but neither of them really understood the "new" position the other was coming from at the time. Lois, all of a sudden having to think like an editor, could not have Clark on a story she probably would have wanted to follow up herself--I went into this on the other board--and Clark, who usually thinks like an editor, was probably knocked for a loop because he and Lois usually had more time to find proof before they were taken off of stories.
And I thought she was a tad bit hard on Clark. She wasn’t treating him as she would have other employees.

But like Darcy said, it was a no-win situation.

The way The Gorn wrote it, I bought. The way the series writers wrote it, I didn't.
What was the name of the Gorn’s story?

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~