Sometimes God does help in these things, LabRat. (I was not particularly crazy that they required Mike’s help either, but I do like the idea of a guardian angel.)
While respecting your beliefs, Nancy, they aren't mine. I don't believe in any god and so would personally prefer that TV shows remain ambivalent about such things rather than hitching their star to one particular god or belief. It tends to alienate me as a viewer if they don't so I prefer them to be a little more ambiguous about such notions. wink

IIRC and unless I've forgotten something obvious - which is always possible - part of my problem with Mike and the whole God thing in this episode was that LNC always had been ambiguous in the past and never overtly partisan like this before. Which is why it was all the more irritating for me to have this religious theme suddenly appear so strongly in this episode. If they'd had a history of including the Christian faith in episodes, it might have been less annoying. Although I probably would have given up on the show long before getting to this episode if they had, it has to be said. laugh

And, yes, the egg thing was an out-take that they kept in. I always thought it was terribly cute. <G> Dean's laugh never fails to make me smile.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers