Arawn said:

Capes, could you develop that? I certainly don’t find MTP despicable...The concept that changed work relations affect the relationship work well as a B-plot as well IMO.
Just remember you asked for this elaboration smile And you must know that for me A-plot credibility has always been secondary to the B-plot in the show. I have no real quibbles with the A-plot.

What I hated about STP was precisely the work dynamic. Clark's unprofessionalism in this episode appalls me. I also found it out of character.

I could buy Lois being a little high-handed given the stress of the new job and the desire to appear fair to the staff. Clark was another matter. Clark was always portrayed as someone who admired and respected his partner. He supported her totally. That Clark would have been thrilled at her promotion and done everything he coudl to ease the transition. If he felt she was getting carried away, he'd have talked to her, not ripped her door off the hinges. I just don't buy STP Clark is the same man who said "I'm attached to Lois Lane. I'm not asking for any changes, am I?"

As someone whose "other job" constantly required he skip out without notice, he got upset with her for having to do the same due to her job. He acted jealous (which he had no right to be) and boorish.

The ending was a complete copout. Sure, Clark apologised for being upset, but she also apologised--what did she have to apologise for? Wanting to do the best she could? Also, he never once apologised for his complete failure to support her.

In a professional workplace there are certain codes of conduct that need to be followed. Clark broke all of them and undermined Lois's authority. For the same reason I wince when fanfic stories have Lois being referred to as "Mrs. Kent" in the newsroom, I dislike this perpetuation of the stereotype that says a woman can't have a happy marriage and a position of more power and rank than her husband, that men naturally will resent this difference and seek to sabotage it. And I don't buy that the person doing this is the same Clark Kent I love in the show.

You asked! smile


Swoosh --->