I am mostly a lurker to this site (sorry to say) but I come mostly to read the nfics (which are wonderful!!!).

However, I couldn't resist replying to this thread.

I got engaged and married at the exact time Lois and Clark did. Of course I am now divorced but that's not their fault. Mostly because I married the wrong guy. I was so caught up in their romance that I wanted one of my own.

I just purchased season four today and I have to say, I am so excited to watch each and every episode. I just finished "Battleground Earth". I never noticed that Ching was played by a different actor. I actually thought it was Teri's ex. Go figure. I don't think the show's demise was caused by the marriage. It was time for the characters to get married. They couldn't date forever. I was upset when the show went off the air but I'm glad I have them on DVD to watch whever I want.