*sigh* I wish I had time to sit and read and reply to this thread! frown What I've skimmed through looks really interesting, and I've definitely got my own thoughts to add. Maybe when the semester's over.

Anyway, I did want to secure Paul some free candy. goofy

Of course, part of that is that I hate, hate, hate anything to do with New Krypton and that whole arc, so the first two shows were duds for me right there. (Someone here once wrote a brilliant plot untwist or something along those lines for the NK arc, explaining all the reasons why it made absolutely no sense. I want to find that again and send the author a supply of Double Fudge Crunch bars, or the junk food item of his choice.)
I believe the story you're looking for, Caroline, is Paul aka HatMan's What Do You Mean "New Krypton"?? . Don't we all wish it could have been that way? *sigh*

Paul's a diabetic, though, so you might have to go sugar free. Though I do hear he keeps Snickers on supply for emergencies. wink

Sara (grumbling on her way to homework...)

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