Classicalla wrote:

So if you guys get upset about the guardian angel bit, then why aren't you equally upset by the writers telling us that Lois and Clark were reincarnated?
Don't get me started on Soul Mates. Just don't get me started. mad

As a number of people know, this is far and away my most reviled episode of all four seasons. I loathe it. I won't go into all the reasons, but the reincarnation aspect is one of them. Incidentally, I don't see reincarnation as a religious belief, though I know that at least one major world religion has it as a tenet. I see reincarnation as on a par with things like tarot cards and mind-reading - in other words, flaky mumbo-jumbo I don't believe in wink

(No offence to anyone who does; they're just red-flag no-go areas of belief for me).

Religion in TV programmes can also be a turn-off for me, especially when it's in-your-face. Not everyone has the same religious beliefs, or even has any at all, so I don't like it coming up in series where it's not especially relevant. In L&C, it made no sense whatsoever, as there'd been no sign that either Lois or Clark was especially religious.

And I'd like to think that you don't get turned off when a writer mentions God, but I suspect that's not so.
Oh, I do. Depends how big a mention, but I can stop reading a story if I feel that religion of any kind, or beliefs I don't share, are playing too large a role. Susan Stone's Aliens and Strangers, for example, isn't a fic I'd revisit for that reason. If I want a 'Christian' story, I'd go looking for one; if I want a fanfic, I don't expect it to be 'Christian' or 'religious' in some way.

But that's just me *shrug*

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*