Well, here it is almost midnight where I live... and just the 4th night since I got my Season 4 DVD's... and I'm finished...

<sniffle, sniffle> mecry

It's like reliving the heartache from 1996 all over again. When I found out that 'Family Hour' was going to be the series finale and the promised 5th season was never going to come to be...

I know that some people were disappointed in some of the episodes of season 4. But I loved them all. Truly. There are episodes that aren't my favorite - from each Season. From Season 1, I usually steer clear of "I'm Looking Through You", "Smart Kids", or "Ides of Metropolis". Not my favs. But if I'm on a marathon to watch the whole season... I still watch them. Season 2 - my bottom 3 are probably "The Source", "Operation Blackout", and "Chi of Steel". Season 3 - bottom 3 are - well, I'm actually not going to admit my bottom 3, because (yes, believe it or not) they aren't the clone arc -- I know, I know... put down those pitchforks.

And now we come to Season 4 - the season I just devoured in less than 4 days. This one is a little harder for me - because I am one of the few people who really loved seeing Lois & Clark as a married couple. I know some people have said that they thought the chemistry wasn't there in some eps or the acting was cardboard... but I just don't feel this way. I had an awesome week this week enjoying them. If you force me to pick my bottom 3, I guess I'd go with "Ghosts", "Toy Story", and "Family Hour". But actually I really really like Family Hour because of the tenderness between Lois & Clark. How hurt Clark sounds when he says "he promised he'd never make her cry" - made me sniffly. The only reason it found it's way into my bottom 3 is because it was the last episode. I hate that. I just hate having to say goodbye.

But of course, this time around it isn't so bad. Why? Because of all you dear writers and FoLCs out there that I just so recently discovered. Because of you, I don't have to say goodbye, this time.

Now, to uplift my spirits, I think I'm going to go hit Pam Jernigan's (Hi ChiefPam! Thank you!!!) wonderful site ( Seasons 5 & 6 - once there click on "Propoganda Central" for the HTML versions -- however there are also text versions there if you like those instead) and dive into a second time around helping of Season's 5 & 6. If you haven't read Season's 5 & 6 - I would highly recommend them. They are available on the archive - but at Pam's site they are available in HTML complete with posters and some of them have pictures in with the stories.

I loved reading them the first time around and I hadn't even seen season 4 in 10 years. This time it will be nice and fresh in my mind as I go back to read these stories. A big thank you to all the authors of Season 5 & 6 - and all you other authors out there who keep this amazing TV show and these wonderful characters alive and well.

See you around the boards!

I'm totally verklempt right now laugh so talk amongst yourselves. wink

-- MR angel-devil

(Okay, I feel like such a drama queen now - that was fun!)

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.