I have this crazy attachment to Lois and Clark. I believe I was in fourth grade when I fell in love with the show. I was really young, so my memories of it had been pretty fuzzy until I had the chance to buy the DVDs, but for some reason it's always remained my favorite show. So, though season 4 has some...um... interesting things going on, I just can't love it any less.

I like the NK arc. Though I definitely agree Clark's sudden return was somewhat of a disappointment, and most definitely a missed opportunity, it had its good points. I LOVED seeing the assertive, "I am your commander!" Clark. No more of that 'I'm-gonna-sulk-and-let-Lex- and-Dr.Deter-push-me-around' kind of attitude we saw in that *other* arc. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for sulking and angst in the right places, but the take-charge Clark was so incredibly appealing.

I agree that the cheese-factor in Soul Mates was a little much. The episode is fun, though, and Dean makes a wonderful cowboy, so I can overlook it!

I also wasn't a fan of the wedding. Or, rather, the circumstances of the wedding. It was beautiful, and I adored the vows, but it did seem thrown in there without much rhyme or reason.

Anyway, it's got its highs and lows, and it's probably not my favorite season, but it's still Lois and Clark and I love it just the same!

"Lois Lane is Clark Kent's Superman." - Brian Miller