Leave playing god to the actual gods, I say. And just because Superman has the power to do all that he does doesn't make him a god.
And how would Superman know that he isn’t a god? The mythological Hercules seems to wield less power then Superman.

It doesn't seem very ludicrous to me, when I remember that superheros are basically pumped-up police/rescue workers/vigilantes. No matter what their power, they all fit into one or two of those three categories, if not all three.
Which is what makes them comic book characters. Superman isn’t so much a masked superhero as a force of nature. Batman is just a human being bringing vigilante justice to his city, that is the limit of his purview. He couldn’t do much to alleviate famine in Ethiopia, but Superman could.

When he hears about a natural disaster, he goes to help, but he can't be everywhere at once.
Therefore he should be where he can do the most good.

He NEEDS to be Clark, and that's what Ching didn't get--Clark's need to at least act normal most of the time because of the things he sees every day.
My impression is that he needs to be Clark to keep contact with his artificial humanity, something Ching saw no value in.

If he were to spend all his time rescuing people and acting like a one-man peace corps, when would he have time for the major disasters and his own sanity?
On the time when he is stopping hooligans from spraying graffiti or foiling break ins?


Dude! You guys are harshin' my buzz...
Gotten hold on a urban dictionary I see hmm.. right, in what way are we bursting your bubble?

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...