I'd spent all this time watching Clark work his little heart out to win Lois...and then Soul Mates came along and told me that he needn't have bothered trying at all because they were destined to be together no matter what he did. Or didn't do.
Respectfully, Labby, I have to disagree with you here. The existence of soulmates doesn't necessarily mean that the mates in question have to fall for each other romantically.

An excellent example of this is Long Strange Trip , in which Lois is Lord Kal-El's favored sex slave. His fascination with her was probably due to being soul mates, but he viewed her as a posession and she was terrified of him. They certainly didn't love each other.

Perhaps, in some sick way, it was the lure of their soul connection. Not all soul connections are benevolent, by the way.
Another, thankfully more pleasant, example is Tank's Future series, specifically A Future Rewound , in which Clark is ten years younger than Lois, blond, and in love with the female counterpart of Jimmy Olsen. Clark and Lois had a deep friendship, but they were never in love.

So, soulmates nonwithstanding, I believe that Clark, even *our* Clark, could have failed to win Lois. As it was he almost lost her in season two because he wouldn't be honest with her.

By the by, I love that this group can have calm, dare I say, even *pleasant* disagreements!

ETA: Just realized this post was completely OT. Sorry! blush

lisa in the sky with diamonds