There are episodes of S4 that I love (Soul Mates, BY, AKAS, MJD & LACS, The Lex Files) and episodes I find thoroughly disappointing or just plain boring or that make me cringe because they are just so bad in places (STGTTWNK, Ghosts, IGYUMY, TS, FH...). I usually find at least a few scenes I like about an episode, but most of the time those will not make me rewatch the episode in its entirety (the conference room scene in FH comes to mind). Other episodes in S4 fall in neither category for me, they're just kind of "meh" (SLV, BACALAC, StP...).

To me it was a very uneven season. They seemed to be getting back on track with The Lex Files, but then we got those awful three episodes at the end where the only good thing about them is Teri's hair.

I also felt that the NK episodes were a wasted opportunity: after all the angst they should have opened S4 with a "three months later" or something and shown Clark on NK, fighting Nor in battle, and then have him return. It was just so pointless the way they resolved it. I did enjoy TAGD and BGDF, so LOTF and BE were even more disappointing to me.

STGTTWNK was just such a WTF episode that I can't really rewatch it, which is too bad because it's The Real Wedding, for crying out loud. I should have loved that, but I didn't.

Just wanted to reply to something Classicalla said in regard to that episode:

Sometimes God does help in these things, LabRat.
Not everyone believes in God or guardian angels. That's not to say that a show can't incorporate them (especially a fantasy show), but seeing as how we had never seen Mike before and we never saw him after, I felt it was just so random and silly. Combined with the absurdity of the Wedding Destroyer A-plot, it made for a very disappointing episode. I would have been perfectly happy with a wedding at City Hall. No fantasy island, no guardian angel, no Wedding Destroyer (urgh), just a wedding. I don't think that would have been too much to ask.

After that we got increasingly implausible characterisation (especially for Lois)
Could you elaborate on that? I don't feel that way. Characterization was something I felt was good pretty much throughout the series (HoL, BatP, and the Clone arc excluded).

Then she says something to the effect of having gotten eggs on him and that she needed to get them off. I’m firmly convinced that part was just too natural and was never meant to be in the ep.
That was totally Dean and Teri. The campfire scene in OP, too--not the making out part, but before, when they get the fire going. The way they interact during that scene is just different enough that you realize they're not really acting, they're just being themselves (IMO).

Fanfic | MVs

Clark: "Lois? She's bossy. She's stuck up, she's rude... I can't stand her."
Lana: "The best ones always start that way."

"And you already know. Yeah, you already know how this will end." - DeVotchKa