I think my New Year's resolution will be never, EVER to post under the influence of NyQuil.
Lol. I put two and two together when I heard you were sick, but I wasn't 100% sure wink I still cracked up though, mostly because it conjured a couple of old fratty memories, but that's a tale for another day...

Going back to the topic at hand, as someone who recently came back to the show (yes they lost me at the clone arc you can all shoot me now), it's tragic to read fanfic about say, the New Krypton arc being dealt with in a meaningful way and then seeing the real thing. Pretty much a downer, even after having known that from the get go.

Labrat's style of watching a given show for its elements is key for me as well as watching it for the potentials in either the A/B plots.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan