Look how many fics have been written when the writer had know copies of the episodes at all.
Okay, okay, I no better. Really I do. That’s what I get for having two different thoughts at the same time. I fixed my error. (And, oh, how I hate it when I do things like this. I can’t believe it.)

Nancy, check out this history of the series. It includes the beginnings of the show as well, but several pages in you'll find the Disney stuff.
Thanks. I’ve never seen that site, and I’m going to check it out. I didn’t mean to say I didn’t have all the eps, though. I’ve got every one and then some (multiple copies - VHS and DVD). I’ve been there since the beginning of the series. I still have the VHS tape where the pilot was shown as a Sunday night movie and you got the whole thing in one shot. As far as I know that’s the only time it was shown on TV like that.

I just meant that I don’t think we should be so focused so much on canon because I like new and fresh takes on the stories. I also like it when authors incorporate other Superman canon in their fics. (But, like LabRat, I don’t the characters to become something from one of the other incarnations - no red haired Loises (as in the comics and SR), etc. And really, who could ever see ‘our’ Superman having had a relationship with Lori Lemaris, the mermaid?

I agree. There's nothing will make me close down a story file quicker than seeing some 'fact' which directly contradicts what we saw on the show. (Unless the writer is deliberately twisting canon and makes that clear in the story).
Hmm… Wouldn’t that be evident from the story? Of course, if the author thought that was canon, then I can see that as a problem. I suppose it doesn’t hurt to go ahead and call one’s story an alternate reality or elseworlds fic, though.

What’s OTT mean? I tried looking it up online, and I got something called an ott-lite.

Like I said, though, I like new and fresh takes on the stories. But if an author tried to insist that something happened in the series when it didn’t that would probably bug me because it would show me that they knew nothing of the series. But also people can assume they know what a character would do when some of that is a matter of perception.

I don't think so either, BUT I think the decision to make changes to characterization should come from an informed position, where the author says, I know Lois was actually THAT way, as per episodes x, y, and z, but I'm going to make her a little more THIS way, and I'm going to explain the change by saying that she was actually orphaned when she was two or married to someone else during college or whatever it takes to explain your alterations.
Exactly. That’s what I meant above. You said it better.

Very few fanfiction readers, IMO, are willing to accept characters who don't ring true simply because the author doesn't know what "true" is. And you can usually tell when this is the case.
True, but I got blasted for doing something that I absolutely knew our Clark probably would never do, but I did it anyway. (He ‘took’ someone’s memory, but hey it *was* Mayson Drake’s - the snake.) So we shouldn’t assume that the writer doesn’t know.

But, yes, Caroline, I like what you said.

Soul mates feels like a star trek holodeck episode.
Oh, my gosh, that’s the best description of Soul Mates I’ve ever seen. I love it. You got that SO right.

And I agree with what you said about Lois. It was said to me that the Lois and Clark of Season 1 were too shockingly different from the Lois and Clark of Season 4. That Lois was b**chy in season 1 and Clark was edgy (liked to tease Lois and put her in her place) and that (while it was a gradual progression) by the time Season 4 rolled around, Lois was too nice and Clark had been neutered.
I also see it as a character development. I liked Season 4!! But then I liked them all, and I mourned and cried when the show went off the air. It was just so unfair. We were promised at least one more year.

I’d have to agree that Sex, Lies, and Videotape was one of my favorites.

Well said, DJ. (And I bet I can guess who you were talking to. ROTFLOL.)

The scene from the NK arc where Clark is asked who he is to be making orders and he stands up and broodingly says "I am your leader, that's who"
Well said, DJ.

If anyone is neutered it’s Lois IMO and for those who love the bitchy, self-absorbed Lois
Well, I for one, wasn’t crazy about the bitchy, self-absorbed Lois. And she wasn’t like that in all of S1 either - think about her doing the tush push or whatever with Clark.

Imagine that there was man with Superman’s semidivine powers and general humanism, What would he do?
He has the power to singlehandlly change the political landscape of earth for the better.
If such a being existed in the real world, I’d think he would take action. It’s pretty hard for the writers of and Superman genre to do that, though, because that can’t happen in the real world. That’s why DC comics never really tried to have Superman stop Hitler during WWII. That idea has stood.

To me though Superman have thought one step further. Yes in the short run he could create a better world by force, but in the long run this would likely result in greater misery.

Dude! You guys are harshin' my buzz...
Well, I’m not completely sure what that means, Sue, but it made me laugh… Okay, yeah… right. A Nyquil moment.

And to me, Ching is high-handed and overbearing. Leave playing god to the actual gods, I say. And just because Superman has the power to do all that he does doesn't make him a god.
Yeah, I don’t like Ching, either.

Personally, I don't believe his caring heart would be able to stand an ongoing effort like that because he would likely wear himself out mentally trying to do all that he could.
Yes, I can see Clark as being prone to depression. (And that’s coming from a psychiatric nurse.)

Mostly I just want to know - how the heck was he keeping Lois on the ceiling at the beginning of Brutal Youth? There's a little while there where she's laying on his arm, but that's it. He's not "holding" her there. Is it his magnetism that keeps her floating? Some kind of power transference when they made love? But then, if that's true, why is the blanket just laying there and not falling away? For that matter, why aren't her breasts more "down" than "sideways"? (Yes, make it logistically correct!)
It’s his aura, Sue. But I gotta agree. What was keeping her breasts ‘sideways’?

I was thinking it was quite funny how people who can spend months writing about said fantastical character would find it strange to discuss his ethical ramifications.
Anyway it’s a hobby of mine.
Snort. Rotflol… (I won’t say the obvious…)

But back to the main subject. I like S4 and I thought the money was well spent!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~