Well, I finished season 4. I had to skip a few classes in the process, but it was entirely worth it.

I really enjoyed the season for the most part. I really liked Lethal Weapon, Meet John Doe, Lois and Clarks, and the entire Lex Jr. thing. I even like 'Twas the Night Before Mxymas, even though Mxyzptlk (think I did that right) annoys me, I thought it was a cute episode.

I felt cheated by Toy Story. It probably wouldn't have been a big deal if it wasn't the second to last episode. But it was. There was very little Lois and Clark, just that obnoxious toy guy. During the little bit showed of Lois and Clark they just seemed distant and not at all like the very in-love couple they usually are. It was a sour note to go out on.

Otherwise I liked the season. Well, except for the cliff hanger. I suppose that's fodder for fan fiction, though.

"Lois Lane is Clark Kent's Superman." - Brian Miller