I've only watched the first 2 eps so far (no time!) and... omg... I'm sorry... it was so pathetic to me. I truly hated it. frown I don't remember seeing them back in the 90's, but if I had seen them, then I'm fairly certain this is why I stopped watching the show.

I came home tonight, super depressed after a day that I would rank above the top on a scale of one to absolutely-disastrous, and I thought... oooooh, I'll watch some L&C since I got the DVDs last week and never even had time to unwrap them. And after I was done watching those, I was even more depressed... I hated the first and watched the 2nd in the hopes that it might pick up some speed, but it didn't. :S (and don't even get me started about Lord Nor and his costume made up of used bicycle tires... *sigh*)

I ended up watching an ep of Smallville to cheer me up. One with Green Arrow in it. And I've finally got a smile on my face again.

It could take a long while before I pop the S4 DVDs back in the player. I'll have Superman Returns next week anyway - it's bound to stay in the machine for a few weeks cause I just know I'll be watching it in loop. *lol*

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies