While respecting your beliefs, Nancy, they aren't mine. I don't believe in any god and so would personally prefer that TV shows remain ambivalent about such things rather than hitching their star to one particular god or belief. It tends to alienate me as a viewer if they don't so I prefer them to be a little more ambiguous about such notions.
Didn't mean to offend anyone. I personally think it's a shame that TV shows have moved away from including at least a mention of religion.

What I really find amazing that not as many people get as upset at the idea of mentioning reincarnation in the series. (Evidenced by the number of SoulMates Stories.) That's also a religious issue. (Yes, CC, I realize that you mentioned this.)

So if you guys get upset about the guardian angel bit, then why aren't you equally upset by the writers telling us that Lois and Clark were reincarnated?

And if some of you were hugely upset about the guardian angel, there are at least a few folks that were upset about the reincarnation.

Just food for thought....

And I'd like to think that you don't get turned off when a writer mentions God, but I suspect that's not so.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~