I think I'm one of the rare people who really enjoyed most of S4. What I like about S4 is that it does show a married Lois and Clark. I know for the majority of viewers it's the thrill of the chase that draws them in. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed that part immensely. Still, S4 was novel in that we watched the protagonists go through the whole relationship process and on into their lives together; they didn't stop actively loving each other even after the vows were over.

SM didn't throw me for a loop like it did some people--possibly because of what preceeded it--but I disliked the premise. We can't believe they were meant to be together unless there was some mystical soul bond beforehand? STGTTWNK--Mike was completely bizarre. It's a fantasy show, yes, but I'd have found it more rational to have Batman suddenly show up to marry them. Thematically speaking, I don't care if they suddenly broke out Wiccan pentagons or if they quoted scripture, it was all totally random for two people who never discussed religion before or after that episode.

What I disliked most about S4 was how, especially near the end, Lois sometimes became a totally different person than the one I thought I knew. While I do believe that marriage changes people, I don't believe it changes us that much. I despise MTP. It embarasses me how much that episode still ticks me off.

That being said, there were some great moments in that season. Lois and Clark on the floor while everyone yells "surprise" still makes me laugh. It may be one of my favourite moments in the whole series, right alongside her slamming the door in his face after the perfect date. I wish I owned it on DVD so I could go watch it right now!


Swoosh --->