And now I'm half-way through "Soul Mates", which is kind of fun, I guess, if a little heavy on the "two souls intertwined" business, which I don't really buy into.
Ah, someone else who feels this way. I did like bits of Soul Mates, but for the most part, I thought this episode was silly. I also don't like the whole "two souls intertwined" thing.

Hey, I liked the NK arc. It was a big improvement over the Clone arc.

Not only did Lord Nor refer to J&M as Kal-El's "mum and dad", but he flew onto the scene wearing normal clothes.
It’s been a couple of months since I watched this episode, but as I remember, he didn’t say this in front of the whole town. And I don't remember the whole town seeing Clark fly in. Of course, I don’t have the new DVD’s yet, so perhaps there are added scenes.

I also remember the fic about the townspeople, or at least some of them, knowing. I always thought that Maysie always knew. After all, she was supposed to be the town gossip, wasn’t she? And unlike on show Smallville, where the small town has 50,000 people, Smallville is supposed to really be an itsy bitsy place. An itsy bisty place is more likely to keep secrets. And I’d still like to know how the writers of Smallville came up with the idea that a city with 50,000 people is supposed to be a small town. The writers need to visit Kansas and find out how big those small towns really are. I mean, gadfries, according to wikipedia the 2000 population of the capital of Kansas – Topeka, was only 122,377.

I’m like Shadow. I fell in love with the show from the beginning. I watched every episode with one little glitch, and I have every episode on tape. I did have some initial misgivings about Dean Cain playing Superman because he didn’t have the ‘right look’. After all, to me, Superman is supposed to have blue eyes, and he’s supposed to be bigger than Dean is. I mean I’d been a Superman fan since I was four so I had certain expectations. But Dean won me over as a fan right away. The glitch: I was out of town traveling for my job when the last episode of Season 2 (the proposal ep) was on. (Yeah, I know – Bummer!). I was actually on the road at the time and so couldn’t watch it at a motel either. I didn't realize that I still be out of town, so I hadn't preset my VCR. I hadn’t been home in ages, so I called my mom, and asked her to just stick a tape in her recorder, check the channel and turn it on at the appointed time. Sounds simple, right? She decided to be ‘helpful’ and cut the commercials which I had told her not to try to do. In the process, she cut off the END!! And this was from the woman who never learned how to turn off the turn table that you played the old LP's on, and she thought she could successfully 'cut' the commercials. Arggghhh... And for some reason, I never got to see the end of the episode until it was on TNT.

I liked most of Season 4 (Soul Mates not included), and I was absolutely furious that they ended the show the way they did without the possibility of even a movie to wrap the show up. Thank goodness for fan fiction.

And I liked the wedding episode for the most part. I could have done without the wedding destroyer, but I liked the guardian angel bit a little. I *didn’t* like that he had to help them get married.

My husband spends more time at work every day than Clark spent on his big journey,
Hey, we are never told how long Clark was gone. Remember Lois went to work, and it seemed like she had been working for weeks before he came back. Yes, it was just one episode to us, but I was always of the opinion that it took Clark, Ching, and Zara quite a while to get to the mother ship. Of course, the mother ship got back to earth much more quickly than the itty bitty orb ship they were in.

I watched 5 eps today. Sadly, I don't even think that is a record for me
Hahahahaha. I know I’ve watched at least 8 eps in one sitting.

BTW, HG's comments at the end imply that *he* is envious of L&C's relationship. This made me wonder what type of relationships the real HG had, so I looked it up on Wikipedia. He was not a one-woman type of man
I just found this out not too long ago myself. Do you know there are still people on this board who don’t realize that HG Wells was a real person? (Yes, I know that for a fact, but I won’t tell you how because I don’t want to embarrass anybody.) Probably even more don’t know that he wrote a book called Utopia and another one, a really famous one called War of the Worlds. Yeah, those movies were based on *his* book. I think most of us have heard about the one about his time machine… but how many people know the book really exists?

I like the episode where the ghost tries to help Lois to cook. I really liked the end where Lois flings the egg turner at Clark and gets eggs on him. Then she says something to the effect of having gotten eggs on him and that she needed to get them off. I’m firmly convinced that part was just too natural and was never meant to be in the ep. I loved that little bit. To my knowledge, it’s not in the script.

We had all the angst in BGDF about Clark having to leave Lois behind to go to war on an alien planet, alone...and then it was totally devalued by having him turn right back around and come back to Earth the next day in the pilot.
I agree that it would have been nice to see Clark actually go to New Krypton.

And whole idea of God giving our favourite couple a helping hand to finally tie the knot was just so...
Sometimes God does help in these things, LabRat. (I was not particularly crazy that they required Mike’s help either, but I do like the idea of a guardian angel.)

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~