OK, maybe it's not quite that bad, but...it's not good either. I've made it as far as "Soul Mates", and I think I've used my fast forward button more on this one disk than I did on the first three seasons combined.

Of course, part of that is that I hate, hate, hate anything to do with New Krypton and that whole arc, so the first two shows were duds for me right there. (Someone here once wrote a brilliant plot untwist or something along those lines for the NK arc, explaining all the reasons why it made absolutely no sense. I want to find that again and send the author a supply of Double Fudge Crunch bars, or the junk food item of his choice.) In addition to the fact that it's a contrived excuse for gratuitous angst, it ruins part of Clark's characterization for me if he isn't the last Kryptonian. So as far as I'm concerned, it never happened.

And then there was the Slightly Creepy Wedding That Made No Sense. I realize that L&C is pretty deeply rooted in fantasy, but for me, the whole guardian angel thing crossed a line into Just Plain Weird. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have nightmares about Mike smiling in that picture at the end.

I did like the vows, though.

And now I'm half-way through "Soul Mates", which is kind of fun, I guess, if a little heavy on the "two souls intertwined" business, which I don't really buy into. I like Tempus, though, and think he's one of the better villians, so I haven't forwarded through quite as much of this ep.

I came to this fandom entirely because of the fan fiction, rather than out of any deep love of the canon. In fact, I didn't even have knowledge of the canon, beyond a passing acquaintance with the Superman myth. I read for probably four months before I ever saw my first episode of the show. But then, when I got season 1, I thought it was a lot of fun. The next two seasons were a little more uneven - watched but not re-watched quite as often - but I'm pretty sure that if I'd turned this show on in the fourth season back when it aired, I'd have shut it off again quickly and never tried again.

And that's fine, actually, because I'm still here mostly for the fan fiction smile . My thanks to the many authors who have provided me with so many hours of high-quality entertainment and who have, in my opinion, often improved upon and enriched the canon immensely.


Caroline, who needed to get that off her chest